Facultad de Educación Ciencias Sociales y Humanas: Envíos recientes
Mostrando ítems 21-30 de 505
Ausentismo causado por estrés laboral en pequeñas empresas de Colombia
Absenteeism represents a risk in the organizational structure, being called one of the most recurrent phenomena today, absenteeism or labor absenteeism, is the absence of a collaborator or member of an organization, which ... -
Factores psicológicos que inciden en la conducta suicida en el adulto mayor
The present article aims to carry out a theoretical approach to the psychological factors that influence suicidal behavior in the elderly. For this, the methodology used was the review of various documents in which the ... -
Factores de riesgo psicosocial intralaboral asociados a la productividad del personal médico y de enfermería
Psychosocial risk factors affect employees in the health sector, more specifically doctors and nurses. These are mainly related to the workload with respect to the performance and responsibility that lies in their duty, ... -
Sistematización de experiencias, elección del consejo municipal de juventudes, Bucaramanga, Santander, periodo 2021
This research arises from the need and importance of Youth Public Policy, both at the national and local level, for the youth who are part of the experience, establishing as the main objective of Systematizing the experiences ... -
Sistematización de experiencias mesa de la paz estrategias para el fortalecimiento de la convivencia escolar institución educativa Técnica San Antonio municipio Jamundí, Valle del Cauca.
This document takes a tour of the systematization of experiences titled “Peace Table: Pedagogical Strategy for Strengthening School Coexistence in Multigrade Classrooms.”, which describes the process that was carried out ... -
Sistematización de la experiencia “Todos somos uno” con estudiantes de grado sexto en la Institución Educativa Nuestra Señora del Rosario
At Nuestra Señora del Rosario school specifically with sixth grade students It was evident that there were difficulties in the development of social science classes, above all, when referring to disruptive behaviors, ... -
Percepciones de los y las docentes del colegio Luis Madina, frente al concepto de afrocolombianidad a través de las visualidades
Defining Afro-Colombianity implies a great challenge for researchers, taking into account that it is a concept of ambiguous interpretation and therefore, there is no single definition of said concept. However, the main ... -
El canto como estrategia didáctica transversal para el aprendizaje significativo y la formación integral en estudiantes de grado cuarto primaria de la Fundación escolar Nelson Mandela
The students are not learning significantly the lessons taught in the classroom and due to this the low academic performance is evident, which is considered a problem that occurs frequently in Educational Institutions and ... -
Las artes escénicas como estrategia para fomentar las habilidades sociales en los estudiantes de los grados 4° y 5° del colegio Jesús de Nazareth
The present guiART intervention project consists of identifying an educational strategy that addresses performing arts to promote the social skills of boys and girls in grades 4 and 5 of the Jesús de Nazareth school, thus ... -
Propuesta estratégica para la optimización de las redes de comunicación interna de mercadeo, comunicación y divulgación de la Fundación Universitaria Católica Lumen Gentium, UNICATÓLICA sede Pance
The following research project is developed through a strategic proposal for internal communication in the administrative areas of Marketing and Communication and Dissemination, around an approach that starts from a ...