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Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 505
Abordajes decoloniales al trabajo social decolonialidad y trabajo social en Latinoamérica durante los años 2016 a 2021
This research article is framed in the seminar Saberes desde el sur: critical approaches and alternative social practices: "A commitment to the decolonization of scientific knowledge" of the program of Social Work of the ... -
Accesibilidad de las personas sordas a servicios de salud mental
The purpose of this review article is to expose the possibility or ease that deaf people have to access mental health services, for which a documentary and theoretical search was carried out. In the first instance, explanation ... -
Acciones de paz en la comunidad parroquial del Santuario Señor Jesús de la Divina Misericordia (SSJDM)
The development of this work has by object discover how them activities made by the SSJDM, are actions of peace that contribute to generate a climate of trust and approach between them inhabitants of them neighborhoods ... -
Acciones juveniles que transforman la ruralidad como escenarios de oportunidades
This study interprets how the collective actions that young people develop through of the RecreaDeporte group from the Guanabanal district, Palmira (Valle), build reflective subjects and think about a lifestyle different ... -
Acciones juveniles que transforman la ruralidad como escenarios de oportunidades
This study interprets how the collective actions that young people develop through the RecreaDeporte group of the Guanabanal district, Palmira (Valle), intends to construct reflective subjects and think about a different ... -
El acompañamiento de las familias en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de los estudiantes de la básica primaria mediante el desarrollo de las competencias ciudadanas.
The purpose of this paper is to outline a general overview proposals related to the accompaniment of families in the Teaching-Learning process of Primary Elementary students, specifically in the Colombian context. Due to ... -
Acompañamiento familiar al proceso de rehabilitación de cinco adolescentes consumidores de sustancias psicoactivas internos en la Fundación Hogares Claret-La Buitrera en la ciudad de Cali
The present investigation focused on analyzing how family support influences the rehabilitation process of five adolescent users of psychoactive substances, interns at the Hogares Claret Foundation - headquarters in La ... -
Acompañamiento familiar al proceso de rehabilitación de cinco adolescentes consumidores de sustancias psicoactivas internos en la Fundación hogares Claret-la Buitrera en la ciudad de Cali
The present investigation focused on analyzing how family support influences the rehabilitation process of five adolescent users of psychoactive substances, interns at the Hogares Claret Foundation - headquarters in La ... -
El acoso escolar: una revisión desde la familia
This article aims to answer the question: what is the importance of recognizing the factors related to bullying in children and their implications for mental health? From the results obtained as the final research product ... -
Actitudes y prácticas pedagógicas de docentes frente a la educación inclusiva de niños sordos en la IETI José María Carbonell de la ciudad de Cali
This study has the objective to analyze the existing relation between the attitudes and practices of teachers towards the educational inclusion of students with hearing disabilities in a regular classroom of Institución ... -
Acuerdos para la habitancia y su relación con el desarrollo de habilidades para la vida: Estudio de caso del proyecto innovador de la Institución Educativa Nuevo Latir
In the present investigation, an approach was made to the innovative educational project of the New Latir Educational Institution, with the aim of knowing how this project has influenced the development of the life skills ... -
AFCOM Afiches de la feria de Cali como objetos de memoria “Análisis de 15 carteles entre 1960 Y 2010”
The title of this project; "Posters of the Cali Fair as Memory Objects" (Martinez, 2012, page 1) (AFCOM), becomes a contextual analysis about the most important events that were lived in 15 different versions of the Cali ... -
Afectaciones del síndrome de fatiga por compasión en el personal de salud
In comparison fatigue syndrome, it is very common in health personnel, because they are exposed to situations that wear them down physically and emotionally. The foregoing is due to the fact that most of these situations ... -
Afectación de la salud mental en relación al aislamiento y el abandono familiar. experiencias de vida de tres adultos mayores privados de la libertad por el delito de violencia sexual en la cárcel del municipio de Jamundí
The present investigation focused on characterizing the mental health affectation in older adults deprived of liberty, in relation to the isolation and family abandonment generated inside the prison of the municipality of ... -
Afectación de la salud mental en relación al aislamiento y el abandono familiar. experiencias de vida de tres adultos mayores privados de la libertad por el delito de violencia sexual en la cárcel del municipio de Jamundí
The present investigation focused on characterizing the mental health affectation in older adults deprived of liberty, in relation to the isolation and family abandonment generated inside the prison of the municipality of ... -
Ajuste creativo de un infante en el proceso de separación de sus padres. Estudio de caso
This research is the result of the study and analysis of the problem of parental separation and how it impacts society, taking into account that the family is the fundamental basis of a society and this phenomenon directly ... -
El amor en la neurosis, (Histeria y obsesión). Un estudio psicoanalítico
The research was conducted from a monographic mode, with a structure divided in three chapters In the first chapter has been developed a time line from different discourses that have studied love, among them: the mythological ... -
Analizar el impacto socio-cultural de la obra “víctimas y memorias” de la asociación forculvida a través de las experiencias de los jóvenes actores del barrio los Lagos II de la ciudad de Cali
The purpose of this project is to analyze the socio-cultural impact of the work "victims and memories" of the FORCULVIDA Association through the experiences of the young actors of the Los Lagos II neighborhood of the city ... -
Análisis comparativo de las estrategias comunicativas comerciales y los procesos de marketing digital desarrollados por Bershka y Gotrendier en la red social Instagram, para la fidelización de clientes y ventas de sus productos durante el periodo 2021-2 y 2022-1: una búsqueda sobre la estandarización de prácticas y estrategias comerciales digitales
This thesis analyzes digital marketing practices on the Instagram platform, from the Bershka and GoTrendier brands, to understand brand communication with its customers and how these mechanisms, through their dynamics, ... -
Análisis comparativo de las prácticas periodísticas interactivas de los canales alternativos deportivos en la plataforma de Youtube, como nuevo fenómeno emergente de comunicación deportiva, frente a los canales tradicionales televisivos. caso: canales de Youtube de ‘El gato arce’ y ‘Eduardo Luis’ frente al programa deportivo ‘Saque largo’ de Win Sports
This research whose objective was to reference the interactivity of audience in alternative sports channels through digital platforms compared to a traditional channel such as: Wins Sports and its program Saque Largo, seeks ...