Facultad de Educación Ciencias Sociales y Humanas: Envíos recientes
Mostrando ítems 11-20 de 505
Rol de género hegemónico femenino y sus influencias en la identidad de las mujeres amas de casa
This article is an investigation of the social field of psychology, it has a qualitative approach, on a problem that is considered current in the country, which aims to identify the sociocultural roles of the female gender ... -
Musicoterapia: adaptación del modelo Bonny como abordaje interdisciplinario en el tratamiento de la autoestima en mujeres de la ciudad de Cali, víctimas de violencia psicológica
Music therapy is presented as an instrument of healing through therapeutic action, focusing on offering treatment to the emotional, physical, psychological and social needs of the patient. Based on this, the need arises ... -
Ansiedad y depresión en estudiantes de Psicología de la Unicatólica que optan por trabajo de investigación como opción de grado
Throughout higher education, various psychological phenomena such as anxiety and depression have been evidenced that impact the mental health of university students who carry out research work as a degree option, given ... -
Herramientas para mejorar la salud mental de los colaboradores desde el sistema gestión de seguridad y salud en el trabajo (SG-SST)
This article presents a theoretical review regarding the tools available to improve the mental health of employees from the Occupational Health and Safety Management System (SG-SST), for which different documents that have ... -
La enseñanza de la lengua de señas colombianas (LSC) como estrategia pedagógica para la inclusión de estudiantes con deficiencia auditiva en Colombia
The objective of this article is to find theoretical supports that support the importance of teaching Colombian Sign Language (LSC) as a pedagogical strategy for the inclusion of students with Auditive Deficiency (AD); and ... -
La subjetividad representada por medio de la técnica del dibujo gouache y la técnica plástica del modelado en el niño J.V con discapacidad sensorial visual perteneciente al Instituto para Niños Ciegos y Sordos de Cali -Valle del Cauca
Subjective urgency is a topic that arouses interest in psychology professionals, promoting an approach to the sensitive and specific aspects of the human being. From the discipline of psychology, multiple studies have been ... -
La importancia de los protocolos de intervención en depresión y duelo en áreas laborales
Depression and grief are factors that directly release the collaborator, damage their physical and emotional performance, causing poor performance within the organization, absenteeism, among others. An exhaustive search ... -
Influencia del racismo en el proyecto de vida de adolescentes afrodescendientes de Candelaria Valle del Cauca
The purpose of this research of the health sciences group, Scientia et Vita; of a phenomenological type, transversal design and line of social-community research, is to identify the relationship between racism and its ... -
Estrategias de intervención para abordar el estrés laboral causado por el teletrabajo
Work stress is a psychosocial risk present in most companies today due to many factors that promote its appearance in employees. For this reason, it is necessary to implement or create different strategies in order to ... -
Condiciones físicas y emocionales que influyen en la salud mental de personas recluidas en centros penitenciarios en Colombia
People deprived of liberty in Colombia present physical and emotional conditions that influence their mental health. Mental health is a fundamental right of citizens, but in Colombia, inmates of correctional facilities ...