Listar Facultad de Educación Ciencias Sociales y Humanas por fecha de publicación
Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 505
Impacto del consumo de sustancias psicoactivas en el sistema familiar
The present investigation aboards the concepts of the sistem structural theory of Salvador Minuchin, that comprehends the family as a set of persons that are in constant exchange, indentifying that in the interior of the ... -
Impacto de la pandemia COVID 19 en la salud mental de los trabajadores del sector salud
This documentary review focuses on the impacts generated by covid-19 due to the confinement around the mental health level of workers in the health sector. The objective is to identify the mental pathologies that develop ... -
El estrés como riesgo psicosocial intralaboral: un posible detonante del síndrome de Boreout
The purpose of this article is to carry out a descriptive theoretical investigation of a documentary type that alludes to the Identification of the possible relevant aspects of stress as an intra-labor psychosocial risk ... -
Desarrollo de la atención y la memoria de un joven video-jugador de la ciudad de Cali, Valle del cauca
This study arises from the interest of investigating the cognitive development of young gamers, given that the cognitive part is related to the context of each subject, which leads to the generation of "slang" languages, ... -
Influencia del racismo en el proyecto de vida de adolescentes afrodescendientes de Candelaria Valle del Cauca
The purpose of this research of the health sciences group, Scientia et Vita; of a phenomenological type, transversal design and line of social-community research, is to identify the relationship between racism and its ... -
Voces del pacífico. Sistematización de experiencias de las prácticas de comunicación de algunos migrantes provenientes del pacífico colombiano concentrados en el distrito de Aguablanca. Estudio de casos desde el proyecto: Aguablanca: Pacífico urbano
This project systematizes the experience of communicative practices built by three migrants from the Colombian Pacific within the urban context of the Aguablanca District in relation to their territory of origin as part ... -
Transmisión de los saberes intergeneracionales producidos dentro de la práctica agroecológica al interior de la red de mercados agroecológicos del Valle del Cauca
The purpose of this project is to analyze how the transmission of knowledge occurs Intergenerational production in families and marketing spaces of products from the Agroecological Markets Network of Valle del Cauca to ... -
Pautas de crianza en tres familias monoparentales con jefatura masculina
The present research focused on identifying the breeding patterns that are implemented in three single-parent families with male heads, was carried out with families located in the 21st commune of the city of Cali, ... -
Posibles rupturas y continuidades en las prácticas de crianza de una familia indígena Nasa que ha migrado a la comuna 18, en la ciudad de Cali
The following summary is based on an ethnographic investigation guided to a Nasa indigenous family that has migrated from their home territory to the city of Cali, this family is made up of a couple and two children who ... -
Caracterización del observatorio de medios de comunicación de la universidad Santiago de Cali Santiago de Cali
The research sought to establish the historical context in which the WTO emerged from the USACA, recognize the definition of observatory assumed from identifying the theoretical perspectives from which it has been founded, ... -
Estrés laboral y sus efectos en el desempeño individual, grupal y organizacional de las empresas
The analysis of work stress is universally transcendental due to the harmful consequences it forges on the health of many individuals and companies. The fundamental purpose of this investigation is the study of the notion ... -
Estrategia de comunicación para la generación de una percepción positiva de la imagen del municipio de Corinto Cauca dirigida a Corinteños a través de la red social Facebook en 2019
The development of this investigation involves a collection of perceptions of the inhabitants of Corinto - Cauca, to achieve an approach to the image they have on their territory. Hence the design of a communication strategy ... -
La invisibilización de las trabajadoras domésticas: género condiciones laborales e identidad
The present investigation was carried out in the city of Cali in the period 2017-2018 with Afro-Colombian women aged 36 to 60 years, from the Colombian Pacific "Buenaventura, Chocó" and del Cauca, "Santander de Quilichao, ... -
Sistematización de la experiencia del proceso de transición de funcionamiento en un comedor comunitario en Santiago de Cali
This systematization of experience is made from the transition of the operating model of a community dining room located in the commune 18 of the city of Cali, in which three fundamental axes are analyzed: stakeholder ... -
Propuesta estratégica de comunicación para la clasificación de residuos sólidos dentro de la Fundación Universitaria Católica Lumen Gentium con la comunidad educativa durante el periodo 2022 - 01 (sede Pance)
Solid waste is a material discarded after its useful life, which generally has no economic value. These are mainly composed of elements from materials used for the manufacture, processing and use of consumer goods. All ... -
La innovación basada en el desarrollo sostenible y la sensibilización desde la escuela hacia el futuro
The pedagogical project entitled "Innovation Based on Sustainable Development and Awareness from the school towards the Future" will be developed, which has the objective: "To promote the use of new technologies based on ... -
Análisis comparativo de las estrategias comunicativas comerciales y los procesos de marketing digital desarrollados por Bershka y Gotrendier en la red social Instagram, para la fidelización de clientes y ventas de sus productos durante el periodo 2021-2 y 2022-1: una búsqueda sobre la estandarización de prácticas y estrategias comerciales digitales
This thesis analyzes digital marketing practices on the Instagram platform, from the Bershka and GoTrendier brands, to understand brand communication with its customers and how these mechanisms, through their dynamics, ... -
Influencia de la pandemia por covid-19 en la adicción a los videojuegos en adolescentes
This article is a descriptiveexplanatory review, in which it is sought to determine what influence the covid-19 pandemic had on video game addiction, through comparative figures regarding the use of video games, before, ... -
Factores de riesgo psicosocial que influyen en la adicción a sustancias psicoactivas en adolescentes
This descriptive-explanatory review article aims to address pertinent and relevant information regarding the psychosocial risk factors that influence the addiction of psychoactive substances in adolescents. For this, a ... -
Impacto del consumo de sustancias psicoactivas en la dinámica familiar de un joven del barrio Villablanca, en Cali, durante el año 2021
The main objective of this research is to analyze the impact on family dynamics of substance consumption by young people. Taking as a reference a family from the Villablanca neighborhood, in Cali. Based on the information ...