Facultad de Educación Ciencias Sociales y Humanas
Democracia y participación política: herramienta de inclusión social para la juventud caleña de la comuna 21 Santiago de Cali.
The research is guided by the situation of the democratic and inclusive coverage of government institutions with the youth of Cali then, its development is aimed at understanding the progress of public youth policy, taking ... -
Prietitud y resistencia: transformación de la identidad a partir del cabello afro en las participantes de la escuela política entre mujeres prietas
This research work was carried out around the processes of self-recognition and identity based on Afro hair and the break with the Euro-centered beauty canon that six participants from the Entre Mujeres Prietas Political ... -
Impacto del consumo de sustancias psicoactivas en la dinámica familiar de un joven del barrio Villablanca, en Cali, durante el año 2021
The main objective of this research is to analyze the impact on family dynamics of substance consumption by young people. Taking as a reference a family from the Villablanca neighborhood, in Cali. Based on the information ... -
Análisis de la influencia de la red social TikTok, como medio de comunicación influenciador de identidades digitales y su correspondencia con la cotidianidad análoga entre los estudiantes del grado décimo del colegio Luis Madina de Cali, como población de consumo y prosumo durante el primer semestre del 2023
For the development of this research, a qualitative methodology with an analytical and interpretative approach was used to analyze the influence of social networks, especially TikTok in the construction of the digital and ... -
Análisis de la preferencia en el consumo de información de los integrantes de la Facultad de Derecho, Ciencias Sociales y Políticas de UNICATÓLICA, del diario digital el país de Cali, durante el primer cuatrimestre de 2023
The project identified the aspects of preference in the consumption of information, by the members of the Faculty of Law, Social and Political Sciences of the Fundación Universitaria Católica Lumen Gentium (Unicatólica), ... -
Análisis comparativo de las prácticas periodísticas interactivas de los canales alternativos deportivos en la plataforma de Youtube, como nuevo fenómeno emergente de comunicación deportiva, frente a los canales tradicionales televisivos. caso: canales de Youtube de ‘El gato arce’ y ‘Eduardo Luis’ frente al programa deportivo ‘Saque largo’ de Win Sports
This research whose objective was to reference the interactivity of audience in alternative sports channels through digital platforms compared to a traditional channel such as: Wins Sports and its program Saque Largo, seeks ... -
El reconocimiento de la mujer en procesos de resignificación de género, desde su rol profesional en el periodismo deportivo en la ciudad Santiago de Cali
Women's sports journalism has been a gradual course for women since the positioning of their gender has been successful in an autonomous way, managing to participate in spaces in the professional field, becoming a ... -
Visibilizando la voz de las mujeres: trabajo del cuidado no remunerado en el barrio Siloé, Santiago de Cali, Valle del Cauca
Historically, the stereotypes culturally assigned to each gender in society, guide the role of men in their role of provider and protector, and women in charge of caring and educating; an issue naturalized over the years ... -
Consumo de alcohol y las posibles afectaciones a la vida emocional y/o a la salud mental en un grupo de alcohólicos anónimos en el año 2021
This thesis discusses the possible damages that could affect the mental health and emotional life in a group of people with problems of alcohol consumption or alcoholism. This research was carried out in a therapy group ... -
Desarrollo de la atención y la memoria de un joven video-jugador de la ciudad de Cali, Valle del cauca
This study arises from the interest of investigating the cognitive development of young gamers, given that the cognitive part is related to the context of each subject, which leads to the generation of "slang" languages, ...