Especialización en Educación en Sagrada Escritura
La dimensión espiritual en los niños del nivel preescolar: “Nuevas estrategias para orientar el desarrollo de la espiritualidad de los estudiantes de primera infancia de la Institución Educativa Sagrado Corazón
The spirituality of preschool children is often treated inappropriately within the Colombian educational system, being confused with the ethical dimension and being approached from it. The importance of analyzing how ... -
Herodes el grande: Una cuerda tendida entre la creatividad arquitectónica y la dominación romana
Known as Herod the Great or Herod I, to differentiate him from the other three, which are mentioned in the Bible, he was king of Judea, Galilee, Samaria and Idumea between the years 37 a. C. and 4 a. C. being a vassal king, ... -
De la experiencia del nacimiento del salvador a un acontecimiento ancestral afro: una lectura del relato de la comunidad de Mateo en clave liberadora
The celebration of the birth of Jesus, both in Bethlehem and in Quinamayo, is a liberating event that unites and reconciles foreign pagan peoples from the East (wise men to Bethlehem and black slaves from Africa to America) ... -
La pedagogía de Jesús, una propuesta que promueve a nuevas experiencias pastorales
The reality in the catechetical processes that are lived in parish communities, particularly that of the sacrament of confirmation, evidence, first of all, that it is very focused on doctrinal content without making an ... -
El mundo de la salud y de la enfermedad como lugar donde sucede el reino de Dios. Un ejemplo desde Lucas 10, 1-11
This article enlightens, the healing actions of Jesus present in the Word of the Lord, specifically those actions where He show his love and compassion as God and as a man to the sick, the weak, the humble and sinners, who ...