Mostrando ítems 221-230 de 1634

    • Incidencia del Covid–19 sobre el hábito de consumo de productos de cuidado personal: Caso Prebel S.A. 

      Espinosa Quenguan, Daniela; Motta Rivas, Gloriana; Acevedo Pérez, John; Especialista en Mercadeo y Negocios Internacionales
      The current health crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way in which different personal care products are consumed. Faced with the uncertainty caused by the pandemic, food and basic needs return to be the ...
    • Estrategias de teletrabajo para aplicar en la gerencia de proyectos 

      Gutiérrez Torres, Eidelman; Perdomo Zea, Santiago; Especialista en Gerencia de Proyectos
      Is teleworking being adequately implemented in companies today? Are there work teams that facilitate and extend the advantages of teleworking for the development of activities in organizations? Many of these questions arise ...
    • Metodologías y estándares utilizados en la gerencia de proyectos 

      Agualimpia Vera, Yolene; Zapata López, Yeisli Carolina; Especialista en Gerencia de Proyectos
      Various organizations in search of growth and positioning are including within their improvement plans projects with international standards, in which they seek to apply different methodologies, among the most used are ISO ...
    • Herramientas informáticas para la gerencia de proyectos 

      Ayala, Juan David; Carvajal, Tyrone Winston; Hernández Montoya, Ramón; Especialista en Gerencia de Proyectos
      Project management has demonstrated the facilities and benefits generated by the incorporation of computer tools for its development. Evidence through around articles, research sources such as digital platforms that promote ...
    • Liderazgo a distancia para gestionar equipos de trabajo en tiempos de pandemia 

      Ruiz Polo, Valentina; Rodríguez Acevedo, Isabella; Quintero Vanegas, Laura Marcela; Especialista en Gerencia de Talento Humano
      This article was written to understand and describe the types of leadership that exist and which of them are best suited to differents forms of long distance management (Virtual, Remote and online work) due to the situation ...
    • La compensación flexible como estrategia para la retención de personal: Caso Fonvalle 

      Bolaños Mesa, Natalia; Fernández Campo, Loren Irene; Rodríguez Artega, Vanessa; Especialista en Gerencia de Talento Humano
      Today we can highlight that the salary is not is the most influential factor in retaining talent human, therefore, organizations are seen in the need to create new ways to compensate the collaborators with the purpose of ...
    • Aplicaciones del marketing interno en la gestión del talento humano 

      Rivas, Daniela; Cuasapud, Fanny; Sánchez, Liceth; Especialista en Gerencia de Talento Humano
      The purpose of this study was to define how internal Marketing contributes to the management of human talent within companies, taking as an example success stories of some companies that have implemented some strategies ...
    • Influencia del bienestar laboral en el desempeño de los trabajadores de Honesta agencia de seguros 

      Ortíz Loaiza, Lina Marcela; González Zapata, Carlos Leonardo; Guzmán Bravo, Evelin María; Especialista en Gerencia de Talento Humano
      Labor well-being as well as employee performance are fundamental issues in the organizational field, both due to the results generated for companies and the need to generate a higher quality of life in people and work ...
    • Onboarding digital como herramienta para la incorporación de nuevos empleados 

      Ordoñez Martínez, Hamilson; Ruiz Vidal, Cristian Stevan; Mensa Nupan, Camila; Especialista en Gerencia de Talento Humano
      The objective of this article is to describe how digital onboarding can be applied in an organization to properly integrate employees into the organizational culture, its processes and their job. For this reason, the ...
    • La pedagogía de Jesús, una propuesta que promueve a nuevas experiencias pastorales 

      Fuelpaz Ching, Jimena del Consuelo; Especialista en Sagrada Escritura
      The reality in the catechetical processes that are lived in parish communities, particularly that of the sacrament of confirmation, evidence, first of all, that it is very focused on doctrinal content without making an ...