Listar Licenciatura en Ciencias Sociales por título
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El acompañamiento de las familias en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de los estudiantes de la básica primaria mediante el desarrollo de las competencias ciudadanas.
The purpose of this paper is to outline a general overview proposals related to the accompaniment of families in the Teaching-Learning process of Primary Elementary students, specifically in the Colombian context. Due to ... -
Caracterización de las fiestas patronales de la semana santa celebrada en el corregimiento de Coteje municipio de Timbiqui departamento del cauca año 2017
In different territories of Colombia they celebrate annually the traditional feast of Holy Week, in each region perform characteristic activities such as masses, parades, ceremonies, dramatized, processions, among others, ... -
La danza folclórica como estrategia para el uso adecuado del tiempo libre
The present work of degree has as a name THE FREE TIME AT THE DISPOSITION OF CULTURE "proposal for the proper use of free time from the culture applying the folkloric dance of the Colombian Pacific in the ninth grade of ... -
Diseño de un modelo de unidad didáctica para la enseñanza y aprendizaje de los impactos socio ambientales ocasionados por la explotación minera a cielo abierto. Dirigido a estudiantes del grado cuarto (4º) de educación básica primaria del municipio de Timbiqui Cauca
This research presents a proposal to design a didactic unit for the teaching and learning of the socioenvironmental impacts generated by open pit mining in the municipality of Timbiquí, aimed at fourth grade primary students. ... -
Diseño e implementación de una estrategia pedagógica para la enseñanza-aprendizaje de las habilidades y competencias espaciales en los niños y niñas de 6 años, de grado primero de primaria del colegio Ignacio Rengifo, ubicado en Santiago de Cali, según la teoría de nociones espaciales de Jean Piaget.
In the teaching-learning processes of the teaching task, in the primary basic education, play-didactic strategies, innovative methodologies, with dynamic activities, since they are very important for the cognitive development ... -
La educación ambiental: una mirada reflexiva en el presente
The main idea of the work is to be a research-based, theoretical-reflexive tool that allows teachers, students and anyone interested and committed to the care and preservation of the environment to review it as a guide ... -
Estrategia pedagógica para fortalecer la convivencia escolar en grado quinto de la institución educativa Eva Riascos Plata sede Hernando Caicedo
The action of sharing the same space during school age implies having the ability to live together. In this sense, it is necessary to mention that this requires the possession of skills that allow an individual to live in ... -
Estrategia pedagógica para fortalecer la responsabilidad democrática de los representantes estudiantiles a través de cinco talleres sobre liderazgo en básica secundaria del colegio Americano de Cali
he present work of pedagogical intervention arises from the need to strengthen the student leadership of the representatives of secondary school of the American school in Cali, through the implementation of five workshops ... -
Estrategias para vincular a los padres de familia o acudientes en los procesos de aprendizaje de los estudiantes del grado segundo de primaria del colegio parroquial San Francisco Javier (Orquídeas)
This pedagogical project describes the importance of the family in the process of forming a child, during his early childhood, since it is the family that teaches the children to learn who they are, develop their personality ... -
Favorecer la convivencia escolar implementando una unidad didáctica con la música afrodescendiente
This pedagogical intervention sought the coverage of important aspects such as the creation of a Didactic Unit that aims to develop an intervention methodology to promote school coexistence through the use of Colombian ... -
Formando hinchas del futuro: proyecto de intervención pedagógica con los estudiantes de la institución educativa técnico industrial “Antonio José Camacho” pertenecientes a las barras futboleras de la ciudad de Cali
The following pedagogical intervention Project (PIP) is a work that was done with students of the Industrial Technical School "Antonio José Camacho" and belonging to the “Hooligans o barras bravas” of Santiago de Cali, ... -
Hacia una pedagogía de la complejidad en las ciencias sociales. Análisis y posibilidades didácticas en la educación básica secundaria
The purpose of this paper is to examine the theory of complexity from the pedagogical perspective with the aim of evaluating its didactic possibilities in the area of social sciences, especially, which concerns the sixth ... -
Implementación de un proyecto de intervención basado en la cátedra de la paz al grupo de conciliadores estudiantiles del centro educativo industrial Luis Madina de Cali: construyendo cultura de paz
The present educational project had as main objective to implement the chair for peace in industrial education center Luis Madina located in the 18th commune of the city of Santiago de Cali. This work was done with the ... -
Madres talentosas
At present there are women who are mothers head of family who look for the way to subsist to help their children to get ahead and have something to eat every night, looking for jobs but most do not find. They are low-income ... -
Percepciones de los y las docentes del colegio Luis Madina, frente al concepto de afrocolombianidad a través de las visualidades
Defining Afro-Colombianity implies a great challenge for researchers, taking into account that it is a concept of ambiguous interpretation and therefore, there is no single definition of said concept. However, the main ... -
Población afro: “Conversando y preservando la tradición oral del pacífico en el barrio Calimio sector la pradera Santiago de Cali”
The following degree project was carried out with the purpose of preserving the oral tradition in the neighborhood of Decepaz calimio sector la Pradera in the municipality of Santiago de Cali, this being a sector with more ... -
Prácticas, discursos y saberes que favorecen la enseñanza y el aprendizaje del concepto democracia en el grado 5° de educación básica primaria en el colegio Nariño de la ciudad de Cali
ABSTRACT In the present work of pedagogical intervention intends to identify practices, discourses, and knowledge that promote education, the learning of the concept of democracy in the degree 5° of basic primary, so ... -
Productividad en el corregimiento el Hormiguero-Cali: hacia un camino sostenible por medio de la creación y consolidación de unidades productivas
El Hormiguero corregimiento is a population that has 7,500 inhabitants (according to population census of 2012 by JAC). The majority of the inhabitants earn their income from the extraction of sand from the Cauca river, ... -
Una propuesta pedagógica de desarrollo de competencias ciudadanas y resolución de conflictos en los estudiantes del grado 5° de primaria de la Institución Educativa Ana Silena Arroyave Roa, municipio de Puerto Tejada-Cauca
This research work entitled: a pedagogical proposal for the development of citizenship skills and conflict resolution in 5th grade students of the Ana Silena Arroyave Roa Educational Institution, municipality of Puerto ... -
Relación entre comportamientos habitualizados – roles y su capacidad para generar construcción social y poder político en la vida cotidiana de un espacio público. La experiencia de tres grupos que habitan la plaza de Cayzedo de Cali: pensionados, vendedores informales y emboladores
This paper focuses on the observation, description and understanding of thoughts, habitualizados behaviors and roles that are developing in the daily life of pensioners, street vendors and emboladores living in a vital ...