Facultad de Administración, Contabilidad y Finanzas: Envíos recientes
Mostrando ítems 91-100 de 1037
Implementación de manual con protocolo anticovid-19 para la microempresa vidrios y aluminios Mario ubicada en el municipio de Yumbo - Valle
In the present work, an AntiCovid-19 biosafety protocol manual will be implemented to the micro-company vidrios y aluminio Mario, which is dedicated to the construction and installation service of aluminum doors and windows, ... -
Estudio de viabilidad para desarrollar un emprendimiento, enfocado en la creación de una empresa productora de ladrillos ecológicos hechos con fibra de cáñamo en el departamento del Cauca
The objetive of this project is to analyze the commercial, technical and financial viability for the development of an enterprise, to create a company for the production of ecological bricks made with hemp fiber. In the ... -
Estudio de viabilidad para la creación de una empresa de turismo en el municipio de Yumbo Valle
The present work projects the creation of a travel company for the municipality of Yumbo that seeks that the inhabitants of this municipality carry out tourism activities within it; both to get to know it better and to ... -
Estudio de viabilidad para la creación de una empresa de productos naturales para el cuidado de la piel en Santiago de Cali
The present proposal with an entrepreneurial research line was drawn up with the objective of establishing the viability of creating a company dedicated to the elaboration of natural products for skin care, taking ... -
Propuesta de un modelo de negocio dedicada a la comercialización de ropa interior femenina talla grande en la ciudad de Cali para el año 2021
A market study was carried out in the city of Cali, to analyze the viability of a store dedicated to the sale of female underwear large size, designed for the care of the intimate área with sexy and exclusive designs. Surveys ... -
Plan de negocios de producción y comercialización de camisetas estampadas marca Arttex en la ciudad de Cali
This business plan shows that by taking advantage of the opportunities in the environment, such as the emergence of other companies with activities and markets similar to ours, and the technological advantages, a sustainable ... -
Plan de mejoramiento del proceso de gestión de talento humano para la empresa Fundación Savia
The success of a company is not only centered on the idea of the service or product to be offered in a globalized market such as the present one; the scope of such purpose is highly influenced by all the processes included ... -
Plan de mejoramiento para RG servicios empresariales en el área comercial-administrativa, en Santiago de Cali
The following work presents the trajectory of the company RG servicios empresariales, which from its origins in 2002 to the present has been a company dedicated to providing services mainly for the sale, installation, ... -
Estudio de viabilidad para la creación de una empresa dedicada a la producción y comercialización de un jabón hecho en papel “Paper Soap” en la ciudad de Cali
This research was carried out in commune 21, located in the city of Santiago de Cali, during the second semester of 2020, where the authors of the project participated, the purpose of the research was to carry out a ... -
Plan de gestión para establecer la estandarización de procesos en la empresa cafetería Athenas J. F. SAS
This work comprises a management proposal to apply and improve the operation of the Athenas J. F. SAS Cafeteria company, which aims to achieve its acceptance, in order to establish the standardization of processes of the ...