• Diagnóstico del clima organizacional en los hoteles H&M, Palmira (Valle) 

      Izquierdo Campaz, Neila Zuleyma; Barco, Yised Viviana; Lino Charrupi, José; Especialista en Gerencia de Talento Humano
      In the search to know the perception of the employees of the H & M hotels of Palmira (Organizational Climate), it was achieved for the first time to diagnose the behavioral factors that currently produce distortion in the ...
    • El engagement y su influencia en la productividad laboral 

      Diaz Erazo, Daniela; Psicóloga
      Engagement is understood as a positive state of mind, of realization, related to work that is characterized by vigor, dedication and absorption. It is framed within the aspects related to the commitment in organizational ...
    • Estrategias de éxito para promover la permanencia del talento humano en la empresa “Servientrega S.A.” 

      Quintero Fuenmayor, Michell Andrea; Villamil Cárdenas, Johan Ricardo; Guasca Escobar, Héctor Fabio; Administrador de empresas
      Human talent is an essential part of transforming a quality service that manages to meet the expectations of the diversity of clients. Currently, companies require a high level of human resources, in the case of SERVIENTREGA ...
    • Liderazgo y gestión del cambio un reto organizacional 

      Zapata Santos, Sandra Patricia; Especialista en Gerencia de Proyectos
      The success of companies in today's world is attributable to the capacity for leadership, reinvention and adaptation to change, which constitutes a challenge for managers and leaders of organizations since direct responsibility ...
    • Onboarding digital como herramienta para la incorporación de nuevos empleados 

      Ordoñez Martínez, Hamilson; Ruiz Vidal, Cristian Stevan; Mensa Nupan, Camila; Especialista en Gerencia de Talento Humano
      The objective of this article is to describe how digital onboarding can be applied in an organization to properly integrate employees into the organizational culture, its processes and their job. For this reason, the ...