Ingeniería Industrial: Envíos recientes
Mostrando ítems 51-60 de 76
Diseño de un manual para el cumplimiento de requerimientos mínimos del sistema de gestión de seguridad y salud en el trabajo en el sector del G.L.G.
Since 2015, with Decree 1072 of 2015, companies at the national level are obliged to comply with various legislations in the framework of occupational safety and health. The sector of G.L.G (Glued Laminated Guadua) is no ... -
Creación de un piloto de laboratorio para el desarrollo de herramientas lúdicas de manufactura esbelta en la Universidad Católica
In this work we propose the realization of a laboratory pilot that generates playful tools for the teaching of the lean philosophy in the Industrial Engineering of the Lumen Gentium Catholic University, initially unstructured ... -
Sistema de gestión y administración de incidentes y requerimientos (IR System)
The following work is focused on the creation of a web application for the information management of the Valle del Lili Foundation. The objective of this research is to "Develop a web application that allows to systematize ... -
¿Hacerlo o no hacerlo? estandarización de procesos administrativos en la fundación X: estandarización de procesos administrativos
This article seeks to inquire about the relevance of standardizing administrative processes in any organization and how it affects it, for which multiple concepts and proposals are presented by different authors that are ... -
Diseño del sistema de gestión de seguridad y salud en el trabajo para la fundación nacional centro de capacitación en atención prehospitalaria Funap CC
The present work of degree consists in the design of the system of management of security and health in the work for the national foundation center of training in prehospital care FUNAP CC, taking as reference the chapter ... -
Técnicas lean aplicadas al control de desperdicios en el área de almacenamiento de una industria química del municipio de Yumbo - Valle del Cauca
The model of Lean Manufacturing, known as lean production, represents a competitive advantage to be taken as a strategic pillar for any organization purporting to be competitive in the national and international market. ... -
Propuesta de mejora para el control de inventarios en una cadena de restaurantes de comidas rápidas por medio de códigos de barras
Inventory management has started to become a very important process for the overall functioning of a company. The need for this protocol was what caused the studied restaurant to opt for corrective measures to find a ... -
Planteamiento de la actualización de la intervención en los factores de contingencia por medio de la ejecución de matrices de riesgos, para las droguerías de la subdirección de mercadeo social de la caja de compensación familiar Andi Comfandi en Cali
This project is done in order to raise how the risk matrices are updated to achieve intervene in existing contingency factors in the sub drugstores social marketing of family compensation fund of Valle del Cauca Cali ANDI ... -
Plan de control de lesiones Osteomusculares para el personal operativo de una empresa logística en la ciudad de Cali
This paper provides a control plan musculoskeletal injuries to the operating personnel of a logistics company in Cali city based on the high numbers that have the company where the study was done where high economic losses ... -
Manual de procedimientos fundamentado bajo la conformidad de la norma ISO 9001:2008 para EYC Ingeniería LTDA.
This work was developed in the premises of EYC Ingeniería Ltda., during the corporate practice gave as a product to show more clearly and closely the implementation of many of the organizations activities, generating a ...