• Estrategias de teletrabajo para aplicar en la gerencia de proyectos 

      Gutiérrez Torres, Eidelman; Perdomo Zea, Santiago; Especialista en Gerencia de Proyectos
      Is teleworking being adequately implemented in companies today? Are there work teams that facilitate and extend the advantages of teleworking for the development of activities in organizations? Many of these questions arise ...
    • Liderazgo a distancia para gestionar equipos de trabajo en tiempos de pandemia 

      Ruiz Polo, Valentina; Rodríguez Acevedo, Isabella; Quintero Vanegas, Laura Marcela; Especialista en Gerencia de Talento Humano
      This article was written to understand and describe the types of leadership that exist and which of them are best suited to differents forms of long distance management (Virtual, Remote and online work) due to the situation ...