Trabajo social: Envíos recientes
Mostrando ítems 61-70 de 101
Relación entre las manifestaciones de violencia y la convivencia escolar de los estudiantes del grado 3° de primaria de la Institución Educativa Gabriel García Márquez sede Alfonso Bonilla Naar en el municipio de Santiago de Cali
This research addresses the relationship between manifestations of violence and school coexistence of students in the 3rd grade of primary school of the Gabriel García Márquez educational institution, Alfonso Bonilla Naar ... -
Promoción de estereotipos de género a través de comerciales televisivos dirigidos hacia una audiencia juvenil
Gender stereotypes have been propagated for many years and today they continue to be reinforced culturally by the different means of communication and its derivatives such as: advertising, magazines, soap operas, artistic ... -
Proceso de transformación de la dinámica familiar de una mujer en situación de desplazamiento forzado
The present investigation had the purpose of identifying the processes of resilience and transformation of family roles of a female head of the household survivor of the armed conflict. To do this, a scan was first carried ... -
Proceso de organización comunitaria y capacidad de agencia de las mujeres del cabildo Inga de Santiago de Cali durante el año 2018
This graduate work reports on the systematization of experience on the organizational process and the capacity of the agency of the Inga indigenous women's committee in the city of Cali, where a description is made on the ... -
Proceso de intervención de los trabajadores sociales de la fundación asociación cristiana de jóvenes (ACJ) de la comuna 14 de Cali, frente al trabajo infanto-juvenil
The main objective of this study analyze the social interventions strategies of the professionals in Social Work front of the child- youth labor situation in the Puertas del Sol neighborhood of the commune 14 since the ACJ ... -
Percepciones y estrategias de agenciamiento de un grupo de mujeres víctimas de violencia basada en género, vinculadas a la Fundación Kunsejana de Cali
This research addressed the perceptions of violence and agency strategies of a group of women victims of gender-based violence exercised by their sentimental partners, from to the upper middle class, aged between 40 and ... -
Percepciones asociadas a las nuevas masculinidades por parte de los profesionales de la dimensión de salud mental, drogas y convivencia social de la secretaría de salud departamental del Valle.
The present research had as a general objective to characterize the perceptions associated with the new masculinities by professionals from the mental health, drugs and social coexistence dimension of the departmental ... -
Jóvenes estudiantes de trabajo social y la red social Facebook: la creación de un nuevo espacio para la manifestación de sus expresiones y participación política
This research seeks to analyze the expressions and political participation of young people students of the Social Work program of the Catholic University of the city of Santiago de Cali, where it was taken into account to ... -
La invisibilización de la discriminación por orientación sexual en el contexto caleño
The present investigation is oriented towards the deepening of the social situation of homosexuality in the context of the city of Santiago de Cali, particularly in the university context, this approached from the field ... -
Expectativas profesionales de los estudiantes de noveno semestre de la jornada nocturna en el periodo 2020-1, del programa de Trabajo Social de la Universidad Católica Lumen Gentium, frente a la realidad profesional de los trabajadores sociales en la ciudad de Santiago de Cali
This research was born from the interest for knowing the professional expectations regarding labour insertion, horizontal social mobility and socio-labour recognition of Social Work students, respect to professional ...