Ingeniería Industrial: Envíos recientes
Mostrando ítems 21-30 de 76
Propuesta de mejora en el área de compras e inventarios en el restaurante Nueva Fortuna China ubicado en Cali - Valle del Cauca
This project demonstrates the development of an “improvement proposal for the purchasing and inventory area at the Nueva Fortuna China restaurant located in the Valle del Cauca” which aims to formulate a proposal for ... -
Plan estratégico y de negocios para aires LTDA.
A clear goal in a company, is to increase your financial capital and obtain sustainability that lasts over time, in addition to this, the company is competitive in the market to which it belongs and even more so that it ... -
Estudio de viabilidad técnica y financiera de usar dobladora 3d CNC en el proceso de fabricación de puentes de cobre en Tecam S.A.
In this thesis, a technical and financial feasibility study is carried out in the process of bending copper bridges for the company TECAM SA, through the application of engineering methods that identified the simplest and ... -
Manejo de herramientas de operación y desarrollo de guías de laboratorio asociadas con los recursos didácticos y de software disponible en el lab3i
Educational robotics is an instrument of great value to develop a number of teaching-learning processes, where the student, beyond acquiring knowledge about robotics, develops a series of productive, innovative and ... -
Estudio técnico de unificación de las sedes norte y colisión de la empresa Almotores Kia SA.
The present project constitutes in the technical study of unification of the headquarters north and collision of the company Almotores Kia S.A, which will have as a priority the Kia workshop area and collision headquarters ... -
Estandarización del proceso gestión del laboratorio integral de Ingeniería Industrial de la Fundación Universitaria Católica Lumen Gentium
The purpose of this work was to standardize the Management Process of the Industrial Engineering Comprehensive Laboratory, which belongs to the Missionary Support Management macroprocess of the Catholic University Foundation ... -
Diseño de una trituradora de PET como herramienta de apoyo para las asignaturas de ingeniería de UNICATÓLICA
PET is one of the most used plastics by people in their daily activities, its poor disposition has caused that year after year their volumes of waste, end up affecting the lives of animals in their different ecosystems due ... -
Diseño y construcción del sistema de apoyo para personas con visión reducida – Sapvire
People with some degree of visual limitation, regardless of their age, gender and socio-economic stratum, have difficulties in mobilizing in public spaces, using public transport, accessing health services and their ... -
Diseño de una herramienta para obtener procedimiento operacional para el cálculo de huella de carbono para la Fundación Universitaria Católica Lumen Gentium
Currently the needs to protect the environment in which we live have permeated many important areas of society, one of these is educational. The institutions have shown a clear concern to include environmental protection ... -
Sistema de monitoreo de variables ambientales para la gestión de cultivos de piña en sus tres fases determinantes en el sector agroindustrial
Pineapple is recognized for being a diuretic and detoxifying fruit which brings undoubted benefits thanks to its vitamins, minerals, fiber, enzymes and a high percentage of water, but most of its properties are due to the ...