Ingeniería Industrial: Envíos recientes
Mostrando ítems 11-20 de 76
Diseño de un plan piloto de mantenimiento planificado en la empresa Lito S.A.S
The energy in this degree work, a study was carried out on the maintenance and implementation of the TPM (Total Productive Maintenance) in the company Lito SAS. The initial objective was to understand the concepts of ... -
Estudio de factibilidad para la creación de una empresa comercializadora de productos derivados de la Apicultura la Galilea – miel de abejas
A feasibility study was conducted for the creation of a company to market honey products in the city of Cali. The project will be based on specific studies of market, technical, administrative, and financial aspects. In ... -
Construcción de un sistema de medición de propiedades eléctricas en materiales Óhmicos, utilizando plataformas de bajo costo, Software y Hardware libre (Arduino) como herramientas de apoyo a los cursos básicos de ingeniería en UNICATÓLICA
A system for measuring electrical properties in ohmic materials was built, using low-cost platforms, free software and hardware such as Arduino (registered trademark), which works as a support tool for basic engineering ... -
Propuesta para la reducción de tiempos de alistamiento en la máquina de impresión Karint de la empresa Inverpack S.A.S mediante el uso de la metodología Smed
The chamber of commerce of the city of Cali is convinced that, if companies grow, regions grow and that if growth is profitable and sustainable, more prosperous regions are achieved for all; for current and future generations. ... -
Diseño de un dispositivo de asistencia vial con posibilidades de monitoreo de variables ambientales
This research sought to provide a self-sustaining alternative to one of the main causes of traffic accidents in Valle del Cauca, road management. In Santiago de Cali, traffic accidents are the second cause of death most ... -
Propuesta de disminución de tiempos en emergencia Servigran basada en herramientas de Lean Manufacturing
The main objective of the following work is to present a proposal for the improvement and performance of the productive area of the company, SERVIGRAN SAS, taking as references all the parts that stimulate the activity of ... -
Plan de mejoramiento de seguridad en maquinaria, aplicado a la “Envolvedora de pallets paletizadora fg-2000bx” bajo la guía técnica colombiana 45 y la norma ISO 13849:2015 en una empresa del sector farmacéutico de la ciudad de Cali
The final project described below corresponds to the proposal of a machinery safety improvement plan applied to industrial equipment pallet wrapper "PALETIZADORA FG-2000BX", hereinafter pallet wrapper, so that it complies ... -
Diseño de un sistema de monitoreo de las principales variables y etapas en el desarrollo de los cultivos de Pitahaya amarilla
Farmers in some municipalities of Valle del Cauca are producing and starting to export yellow Pitahaya, an exotic fruit desired for its flavor, texture and nutritional properties with demand in the international market. ... -
Sistema de monitoreo de variables ambientales para la gestión de cultivos de piña en sus tres fases determinantes del sector agroindustrial
The SIEMBRA project was born out of the interest of supporting research projects for the management of pineapple cultivation without affecting production rates but achieving ecological sustainability with the environment ... -
Sistema de monitoreo de variables agroclimáticas para los cultivos de aguacate Hass en el Valle del Cauca
According to (Grajales Guzmán, 2017) The world is demanding more Hass avocado and Colombia is the fifth producer of this variety, however, There are obstacles that separate the country from the export goal set by the ...