Mostrando ítems 291-300 de 1634

    • Estrés vs bienestar: el desafío de las organizaciones 

      Román Paz, Diana Marcela; Psicóloga
      The purpose of this document is that as professionals of psychology in the work environment, one should urge to reflect on the work of the organizational psychologist, who must make contributions to an adequate working ...
    • Estrés laboral y salud mental de los colaboradores en el mundo organizacional 

      Lúligo Reina, Karen Valentina; Psicóloga
      Currently mental health is a topic that has been spoken from different fields, it is worth mentioning that it has long been permeated by a collective forgetfulness, without taking into account the great repercussions that ...
    • El proceso de re-inserción laboral de los exconvictos 

      Córdoba Ardila, Jury Andrea; Psicóloga
      This article for reflection seeks to identify the situations of exclusion experienced by inmates when seeking job reintegration opportunities, with the corresponding social benefits, typical of a formal job. The development ...
    • El liderazgo y su influencia en la productividad de las organizaciones 

      Rivera Moriano, Juliana; Psicóloga
      Leadership is a key piece within the organizational gear, since according to authors and studies the emotional and psychosocial effects, which radiate in the human resource, are decisive to the point of strengthening ...
    • El impacto de la medida de rotación de los empleados en las organizaciones 

      Castillo Pizo, Edinson; Psicólogo
      The impact of staff turnover in an organization entails thinking of new forms of permanence among its employees; For this, endogenous, exogenous and personal factors are investigated, which identify how strong the human ...
    • El liderazgo no es cuestión de género, ni de estigma social 

      Herrera Zúñiga, Stephanie; Psicóloga
      With the passing of the emerging years, constant changes within organizations that imply a teaching-learning process that allows employees a better adaptation in the work area; This process somehow involves exercising ...
    • El estrés laboral como factor psicosocial en los empleados de entidades financieras 

      Calderón Gallego, Miller Guillermo; Psicólogo
      Work stress is considered by different organizations worldwide as a psychosocial risk factor that affects, in addition to employee performance, the social relationships that it has outside the workplace. The causes of this ...
    • El acoso escolar: una revisión desde la familia 

      Barco Sánchez, Gersom; Psicólogo
      This article aims to answer the question: what is the importance of recognizing the factors related to bullying in children and their implications for mental health? From the results obtained as the final research product ...
    • El onboarding: dinámicas y procesos dentro de los planes de incorporación organizacional 

      Rodríguez Monsalve, Mayra Alejandra; Psicóloga
      Onboarding is a current issue that is establishing itself as a priority within the processes carried out by human resources areas within organizations. Therefore, the objective of this writing is to analyze what are the ...
    • El engagement y su influencia en la productividad laboral 

      Diaz Erazo, Daniela; Psicóloga
      Engagement is understood as a positive state of mind, of realization, related to work that is characterized by vigor, dedication and absorption. It is framed within the aspects related to the commitment in organizational ...