• Implementación NIIF para la empresa Orozco Gutiérrez SAS 

      Loaiza Vera, Karen Jovannaa; López Rodríguez, Darlyn Andrea; Ortiz Arguello, Diana Marcela; Contador Público
      The present monograph aims to present how the implementation of IFRS can contribute to improvement, efficiency and productivity in a company as it is in "Orozco Gutiérrez SAS being reflected in the accounting management ...
    • Plan general contable bajo NIIF para la microempresa de joyería Golden Steel 

      Osorio Buitrago, Daniela; Castaño Velásquez, Daniela; Ramírez Suarez, Jennifer; Contador Público
      With the presentation of this degree project, the purpose is to implement the general accounting plan for the GOLDEN STEEL jewelery microenterprise; taking into account as regulation the Decree 2706 of 2012, for the proper ...
    • Propuesta de plan de gestión de inventarios de equipos audiovisuales en la empresa asa tecnología S.A.S 

      Aguirre Criollo, Jhon Wilmar; Ordoñez Arboleda, Elkin Javier; Ordoñez Yaguatin, Sofía Lorena; Contador Público
      The present work exposes the proposal of plan of management of inventories of audio-visual equipment in the company ASA Technology S.A.S, dedicated to the sale and rent of audio-visual equipment, where by means of an ...