• Informe ejecutivo “inteligencia emocional en los negocios” 

      Moncayo Reyna, Francya; Goez, Lorena; Vásquez, Christian; Administrador de empresas
      The Business Intelligence Seminar covers valuable concepts about innovation, oriented to the era of technology, methodology, product and service. The main topics were Intelligence Directive of the Third Millennium, Emotional ...
    • Resumen ejecutivo seminario internacional en inteligencia de negocios 

      Ortiz Mena, Jennifer; Marin Correa, Tatiana; Davila Valencia, Claudia Yulie; Administrador de empresas
      Everyone has ever had any business idea. An idea is a thought, an impression, a feeling or an illusion, but many entrepreneurs confuse that with a great opportunity. Numerous businesses fail, not because the entrepreneurs ...